All Stars 6 Lineup: Ranked

Meet the Queens of 'RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars' Season 6

With less than three weeks before the premiere of All Stars 6, the cast has given me a lot to think about. Whilst in previous seasons, the competition has either been really close, with All Stars 2 being anybody’s game for most of the run, or completely obvious as to who was going to win, in the case of All Stars 5, this season has me excited for some queens, and rolling my eyes at some others… Some of my favourite queens of all time are on this season and so I’m here to rank the queens based of my personal preference based on what I originally thought of them in their initial seasons! SPOILERS FOR EVERY ALL STARS SEASON… ALL STARS 6 PREMIERES ON JUNE 24th 2021

13th – Rajah O’Hara

Season 11 – 9th

RuPaul's Drag Race: The Queens With The Most To Prove On All Stars 6

Of all the queens in this lineup, Rajah is the only one that I’m not a little bit excited about seeing again considering she was so mean and toxic in Season 11. I didn’t really like her in her season and therefore her presence on All Stars doesn’t fill me with much confidence because she could be the reason one of my favourites goes home. I will say that I am prepared to be proven wrong because her promotional video was actually pretty good and she addressed all the things that went wrong with her appearance before…

12th – Serena Cha Cha

Season 5 – 13th

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

Serena Cha Cha is a very niche queen and one that I didn’t expect to see on All Stars because she wasn’t really that popular with fans and, if I’m correct, is the earliest eliminated queen to ever compete on a season of All Stars. Whilst I don’t actually remember much about her, the last time she was on the show was Season 5 and, considering Season 13 has just finished and 14 is on its way, Serena has had a lot of time to expand and grow her drag identity so she could be here to SLAY!

11th – Scarlet Envy

Season 11 – 10th

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

I remember being really shocked when Scarlet was eliminated because, up until her elimination, she was doing quite well in the competition and I actually considered her a front runner. However, that isn’t to say that I’m excited to see her back so soon because I wasn’t really that interested in her in the first place. She could do extremely well in this season considering the only thing that I remember her struggling with was dancing so she could wipe the floor with most of her competitors.

10th – Silky Nutmeg Ganache

Season 11 – 3rd/4th

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

Silky Nutmeg Ganache was a LOUD presence on Season 11 and I think that worked against her unfortunately. Whilst some loud queens that came before her have found success in the fan community, Silky didn’t quite get that, mostly because she was just too much most of the time. However, I do like her to an extent because she can be funny and entertaining but her appearance on All Stars will tell whether Silky has changed or whether she is still the loud gal she was two years ago.

9th – Kylie Sonique Love

Season 2 – 9th

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

I’m currently reviewing Season 2 on my rewatch and I haven’t rated Sonique’s performance highly so far. If I’m perfectly honest, she’s one of the queens that I forget when I think about Season 2 because she didn’t really make an impact on me. However, Kylie has been through so much in the eleven years since Season 2 aired so I am fully expecting her to come out and slay everyone to pieces. Am I excited to see her? Not really, but I’ll still enjoy her presence on the show nonetheless.

8th – Eureka

Season 9 – 11th (Departed)/Season 10 – 2nd/3rd

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

I will defend Eureka until the day I die because I loved her on the show and she was genuinely the one that I wanted to win Season 10 because I knew Kameron didn’t have a hope in hell, despite being my actual favourite of the season. Am I surprised that it has taken this long for Eureka to be on All Stars? No, because the girl needs a break. She did two seasons back to back and therefore I can understand that the producers may have wanted to give some of the other Season 10 queens another shot before giving Eureka a third. Either way, I’m excited for her to slay but I won’t be too upset if she goes home…

7th – A’keria C. Davenport

Season 11 – 3rd/4th

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

If I’m being completely honest, I didn’t notice A’keria in Season 11 until her outstanding performance in the LAPD episode, which left me in fits of laughter. With such strong queens as Yvie Oddly and Brooke Lynn, and sandwiched between loud presences such as Vanjie and Silky, A’keria did fade into the background on my initial viewing. However, I think she has the willpower and determination to SLAY this season and everyone should be scared of Miss BAWDY.

6th – Jiggly Caliente

Season 4 – 8th

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

Whilst I still firmly believe that Kenya Michaels should NOT have reentered the competition, meaning Jiggly finished 7th, she still wouldn’t have made it any further because the competition was STRONG in Season 4. She wasn’t that good on Season 4 as far as I remember but she has had an incredible glow up and I think that she is a serious threat now that she’s had to time to perfect her drag. Will she win? I doubt it but I think she’ll definitely go far.

5th – Trinity K. Bonet

Season 6 – 7th

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

The Lip-Sync Assassin of Season 6 is back and I’m really excited to see how her drag has evolved since her appearance way back in 2014. Someone said to me the other day that she is going to destroy anybody in a lip-sync and I agreed but then I remembered that you have to WIN a challenge to lip-sync and, as I remember, Trinity didn’t do very well in most of the challenges. Hopefully, she’ll have better luck on All Stars because I think she’s going to be a serious threat to anyone wanting the crown.

4th – Pandora Boxx

Season 2 – 5th/All Stars 1: 11th/12th

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

Pandora Boxx was not ready for the crown in Season 2. However, she was in All Stars 1 but the producers let her down when they allowed her to be paired with Mimi Imfurst, the queen that stuck out like a sore thumb because she did so poorly on her season. With Mimi chained to her like a prisoner, there was no way that Pandora would rise to the top against the other queens and sadly left the competition first. However, this appearance is important because she can prove that she can kill the competition in All Stars on her own this time and I’m excited to see that!

3rd – Ginger Minj

Season 7 – 2nd/3rd/All Stars 2: 8th

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

It’s been widely accepted that All Stars 1 queens are allowed to return to All Stars because it was so terrible that the show tries to ignore its existence completely. However, Ginger’s appearance on this season has caused a lot of controversy because she is the first queen to appear from another All Star season and personally, I see nothing wrong with it. There are a lot of queens that were robbed of their opportunities thanks to the stupid lipstick rules, such as Tatianna, Alyssa, Manila and stupid changes of the rules such as the Jury in AS3, which screwed Shangela over, despite being the rightful winner there. Ginger has a lot to prove but I think that she will do really well and much better than All Stars 2…

2nd – Jan

Season 12 – 8th

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

Personally, Jan should not have been sent home in Season 12 when she did. Would she have won the whole season? No, I think they were always planning on crowning Jaida or Gigi so nothing would have stopped that, but I do think her advert was better than Gigi and Jan should have won the Madonna challenge, not Gigi. Again, I think that she was screwed over in her season so that she could reappear on All Stars because it is no coincidence that the first season of All Stars to be filmed after her season aired, features her. She’s a talented queen and is one of the most eccentric people to ever grace our screens and therefore I think it may be Jan’s time to win. 

1st – Yara Sofia

Season 3 – 4th/All Stars 1 – 5th/6th

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 6

This is Yara’s competition to win. It is time for a Puerto Rican queen to get the crown and I can’t think of anybody better than Yara. Her fashion is excellent, her Snatch game as Amy Winehouse is iconic and her acting skills are entertaining, even if we don’t fully understand her. She knew how to win the competition but going up against Raja was a lost cause. The teams in All Stars 1 ruined her as well so now that she is back on her own, I think that she is going to dominate and be the one to beat but only time will tell!



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