Lost: S5 E11: Whatever Happened, Happened

Kate struggles to save a young Benjamin Linus from a gunshot wound at all costs as Juliet and Sawyer give aid. Miles and Hurley discuss the predicament they’re in. This episode was written by Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof and was broadcast on April 1st 2009 by ABC. Also, this episode takes place on Days 2-3 of the Ajira Crash, and centers around Kate.

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Lost: S5 E10: He’s Our You

The DHARMA Initiative tries to discover the identity of Sayid Jarrah, who is a presumed member of the Hostiles. This episode was written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and was broadcast on March 25th 2009 by ABC. Also, this episode takes place on Day 2 of the Ajira crash and centers around Sayid.

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Lost: S5 E5: This Place Is Death

After meeting the French science team, Jin reunites with the remaining Island survivors, who are experiencing trouble in coping with Charlotte’s deteriorating health. Meanwhile, Sun holds Ben at gunpoint and stops his plans to return to the Island. This episode was written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and was broadcast on February 11th 2009 by ABC. Also, this episode centers around Jin and Sun.

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Lost: S5 E2: The Lie

Jack and Ben being to round up the members of the Oceanic Six, as other forces try to drive them apart. On the Island, the shifts become more frequent and soon, there are threats on the Island that come at them with full force. This episode was written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and was broadcast on January 21st 2009 by ABC. Also, this episode centers around Hurley.

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