Game Of Thrones: S7 E1: Dragonstone

After six seasons of waiting, the season seven premiere finally sees Daenarys landing in Westeros, or in Stannis’ old stomping ground, Dragonstone. Sam begins his training in becoming a maester and Arya serves revenge cold. This episode was written by David Benoiff and D.B Weiss and was broadcast on July 16th 2017 by HBO.

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Game Of Thrones Power Rankings: The Winds Of Winter

The tragedy in King’s Landing kills a huge percentage of our contenders for the Iron Throne, and we see new characters shifting up the list, with some characters getting the highest ranking they’ve ever had… The North rallies around Jon, while Sansa is said to be the Lady of Winterfell…  The events of this episode leads to people moving up (and down) this list, so let’s have a look at who is winning the Game Of Thrones.

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Game Of Thrones: S8 E3: The Long Night

I’m struggling to write this introduction and this whole review, as I have literally just finished watching the episode. My thoughts are a mess, and therefore, this post may not seem as polished as others. It was the best episode so far in the series, even better than the Battle Of The Bastards, which was leading my favourite Game Of Thrones episodes list. This episode was written by David Benoiff and D.B Weiss and was broadcast on April 28th 2019 by HBO.

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Game Of Thrones Power Rankings: A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms

A bottle episode where nothing really happens, but serves as a deep look at our main characters, introducing exciting new possibilities, and seemingly wrapping up other people’s story arcs ahead of the battle next episode. The events of this episode leads to people moving up (and down) this list, so let’s have a look at who is winning the Game Of Thrones.

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