Game Of Thrones: S4 E7: Mockingbird

While preparing for the Trial by Combat, Tyrion finds his champion in a rather unlikely place. Elsewhere, Lysa begins to threaten Sansa and Daenarys sleeps with one of her council… This episode was written by David Benoiff and D.B Weiss and was broadcast on May 18th 2014 by HBO.

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Game Of Thrones Power Rankings: The Laws Of Gods And Men

Tyrion’s trial arrives and soon, power becomes an important deciding factor in the outcome. Elsewhere, Dany hears the stories about her dragons destroying the surrounding area… While a few characters remain in their position, the majority have been shifted around and Westeros will never be the same… (Also, if the character didn’t appear in the episode, I won’t be explaining why they may have moved. The most likely explanation is that they are making room for others.) Let’s jump straight into this…

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