Game Of Thrones: S2 E4: Garden Of Bones

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Our main characters have their work cut out for them this episode. Catelyn attempts to unite two warring factions, Tyrion attempts to stop the king’s cruelty and Dany arrives at the gates of Qarth, dragons ablazing. Meanwhile, Arya and Gendry arrive at Harrenhal and Davos watches something horrific happen… This episode was written by Vanessa Taylor and was broadcast on 22nd April 2012.

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Grey’s Anatomy: S2 E1: Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

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A new series brings about new friendships and old ones being tested. After the revelation that Doc.McDreamy has a wife, Meredith must choose what to do next, while still keeping her dignity intact. Christina is having boyfriend issues and the local bartender collapses and faces ruin. This episode was written by Stacy McKee and aired on September 25th 2005.

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Game Of Thrones: S2 E2: The Night Lands

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This episode introduces yet more important characters to the ever expanding ‘Game of Thrones’ universe; Balon and Yara Greyjoy, Jaqen H’ghar and Podrick Payne being the notable ones. Theon travels home, Tyrion plots and Jon discovers Craster’s secret. This episode adds more to it than the previous episodes but there are still many weaknesses. Written by David Benioff & D.B. Weiss and broadcast on 8th April 2012, this episode is good.

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Game Of Thrones: S2 E1: The North Remembers

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The start of a new season introduces many new and influential characters into the vast pool of existing character; ‘King’ Stannis, Ser Davos, Melisandre and Gilly being the main few. As the ‘War of the Five Kings’ breaks out all over Westeros, this episode deals with pandemonium and ends up making things really slow at times. Written by David Benioff & D.B. Weiss and broadcast on 1st April 2012, this episode struggles to open the season on a high note.

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Top 10 Game Of Thrones Season 1 Episodes

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At the end of what was a solid season for Game Of Thrones, it’s time for me to order the episodes in this season. Building up characters is what this season strives to do, but the action is non-existent. That doesn’t make it bad by any stretch. After watching the finale and rewatching the opening, it’s amazing to see how much out characters have changed and grown over the course of nine and a half hours. Without further ado, let’s dive into the world of Game of Thrones Season 1 once again… Continue reading

Game Of Thrones: S1 E10: Fire and Blood

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Our main character’s story arcs come to a cataclysmic finale as Catelyn, Tyrion, Jon and Dany live with the events of this season. Dany’s world continues to burn as she struggles to maintain control and Tyrion is given a new role by his father. Written by David Benioff & D.B. Weiss and aired on 23rd June 2011, this episode succeeds, barely, to tie off the loose ends of this season. Continue reading

Game Of Thrones: S1 E9: Baelor

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Each of our main characters’ season story arcs (Ned, Catelyn, Dany, Jon and Tyrion) face problems in this week’s episode. Ned faces his trial, Catelyn watches as her son goes to war, Tyrion marches into battle, Jon faces problems from beyond the wall and Dany’s world comes crashing down around her… This episode was written by David Benioff & D.B. Weiss and aired on the 12th June 2011. Continue reading