Torchwood: Random Shoes Review – S1 E9

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Random Shoes? Seriously? This might just be the saddest story ever. And all we needed was someone to be run over. Written by Jacquetta May and broadcast on the 10th December, this episode was extremely different to anything we have, or will ever see on Torchwood.

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Torchwood: They Keep Killing Suzie – S1 E8

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Remember Suzie. She shot Jack and then shot herself. Nope… Well there will be no forgetting her after this episode. Not a chance. She’ll just drain the life from you if you ever did. Written by Paul Tomalin and Dan McCulloch and broadcast on the 3rd December 2006, this episode is a great reminder of who Torchwood is and how much destruction they leave in their wake.

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Torchwood: Greeks Bearing Gifts – S1 E7

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They say you should never look a gift horse in its mouth. But after this episode, that might just be the better option. Greeks Bearing Gifts is a moral episode asking us about our own privacy. Would we like people reading our thoughts or would we like to read other’s. Written by Toby Whithouse and broadcast on 26th November 2006, this episode packs a social punch… but doesn’t knock me out.

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