Torchwood: Day One Review – S1 E2

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Sex, aliens and a single girl. What could possibly go wrong? Well apparently, everything as proved by this episode. Written by Chris Chibnall and broadcast on the 22nd October 2006, this episode managed to bring in only 2.50 million viewers. I guess it is BBC Three.

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Torchwood: Everything Changes Review – S1 E1 

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Who are Torchwood? Who is Captain Jack Harkness? And who is going around Cardiff killing people? Gwen Cooper makes it her mission to answer all of these questions.

This episode kick-started what would become the greatest spin-off Doctor Who has ever seen as Russell T Davies delivers ‘Everything Changes’ to Torchwood Series One. Written by Davies and broadcast on 22nd October 2006, this episode only managed to draw in 2.52 million UK viewers.

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Top 20 Shocking Moments From The Batman: Arkham Series

The Arkham Games are beyond doubt the best Batman games ever made and arguably the best Superhero games as well. But where there is a great game, there are parts that will shock players everywhere. Only crediting the entries into the series named ‘Arkham Asylum’, ‘Arkham City’ and ‘Arkham Knight’, let’s dive into the top 20 moments from the Arkham Series. As always a spoiler warning is now in effect as I will be discussing important plot points and endings.

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